Mandatory Player Assessments

This year’s mandatory player assessments will take place indoors at the Kinsmen Sports Indoor

Signup for an assessment time

See bottom of page for instructions

There are 5 groups, 12 spots available for each assessment time.
● Assessments are 1 hour and 45 minutes in length (15 minute warmup to start each

If you need to cancel or change your player’s spot, please do not contact the registrar, but go back
to the link provided and change your player’s date or time through “Signup”.

Click Here For Sign Up Instructions

Which divisions need to attend?

Any Rookie player (age 8) who would like to consider playing up in the Minor division.
● All Minor players (age 9 and 10)
● All Majors players (age 11 & 12)
● All Junior players (13 & 14)
● All Senior players (15 & 16 )
● Any 10 yr old players who would like to be eligible for the Major’s A division.
● Any 12 yr old players who would like to be eligible for the Intermediate (13) or Junior.

If you are unsure of which division, you registered your player in, please contact your League registrar.


Kinsmen Sports Centre
9100 Walterdale Hill NW
Edmonton AB T6E 2V3


April 7 and 14 th
1:30 to 3:30 Or 3:30 to 5:30

*Enter through the main doors, and proceed down to the Fieldhouse Level.

Why are assessments required?

We take tremendous pride in continuing the Interleague Edmonton Little League tradition of having
balanced regular season teams.

These assessments are not a competition!

Mandatory pre-season assessments are done so that we have the best chance at creating balanced
teams for AA and A divisions and also ensuring all Leagues have all the information they need to draft
balanced teams.
We understand and recognize that the vast majority of players may not have touched a baseball in many
Months. Please inform your child that assessments are absolutely not competitive and that there should be no pressure or stress associated with them. Every single player will be placed on a balanced team
with a supportive coach.

Assessment process

  • All evaluations will be performed by established directors, and/or coaches at each
    evaluation station. These evaluators will consist of a representative from each league, or
    non-partisan Trappers coaching staff.
  • Parents, coaches or spectators will be allowed to watch from the side lines but will need
    to stay off the track.
  • All players must sign up in advance (See instructions below).
  • Players must sign up in their designated division or higher [for example: do not sign up
    your Major’s player (11-12) in the Minor’s (9-10) section].

Players must wear the following:

  • Runners (NO cleats).
  • Baseball pants or athletic pants or shorts.
  • Athletic cup (Jock or Jill).
  • Shirt they can hit and throw easily in.
  • Jackets or pack backs must be left with the parents and not brought into the evaluation

Players must BRING the following:

  • Personal batting helmet.
  • Personal glove.
  • USA approved bat appropriate for your child’s level of play (communal bats are limited).
  • A refillable water bottle (Kinsmen has refilling stations located throughout their facility).

We will NOT be able to provide players with gloves or helmets. Sharing of personal equipment
will NOT be allowed. Any player who does not bring their own glove and batting helmet will have
to sign up for a time when they can bring their own equipment.

  • Arrive 10 minutes prior to your assessment time and sign in with the LL staff
  • Please pick up your player at the north entrance doors (Door 3).

What if my player can’t make it to an assessment?

While we strive to provide a variety of dates and times to accommodate family schedules, we realize
that you still may not be able to attend an assessment time.

If you can’t attend the pre-season assessment, your player will:

  • Not be eligible for the AA division
  • Not be able to play up a division (if you had indicated this during registration)

What can my player expect to perform for the assessment?

The assessment will take part in 5 different stations, each focusing on the ability of 5 different
elements of baseball. The stations will be as follows:

  1. Pitching – Each player will throw from a distance respective to their age into a target screen.
    They will be given 3 warm up balls, and then evaluated on their next 5 pitches. They will be
    graded on their pitching mechanics, accuracy, and velocity.
  2. Running – Each player will be timed running a distance of 40 meters (twice).
  3. Hitting – Each player will have 3 warm up balls and 5 evaluation balls to hit (either from a
    human thrower, or pitching machine). Players will be graded on their Swing mechanics,
    Power, and Contact.
  4. Infielding – Each player will receive 5 ground balls. They will need to show that they can field
    them from side to side, as well as straight on, before making a strong throw to one of our
    support staff on a base. Players will be graded in Fielding Acumen, Throwing power, and
    Throwing Accuracy from a simulated Shortstop Position to 1st Base.
  5. Outfielding – Each Player will receive 4 fly balls, and one Line Drive, from a simulated
    outfield position. Player is to catch each of these and make a hard throw to a target net.
    Players will be graded on Fielding Acumen, Throwing Power, and Throwing Accuracy.It is important that each player performs to the best of their ability in each of these stations (even if
    they may have never pitched or played the game previously).
Register Here